How to delete my Myspace account?
Deleting a MySpace account is relatively easy if one knows where to look. This article will describe step-by-step how to delete your account and the rationale for deleting your MySpace profile.
Technical aspects for deleting your MySpace profile
To delete your MySpace profile, follow these few simple steps.
After logging into MySpace view your main screen. At the top of the page is a drop down box titled "My Stuff." Within that box, choose "Account Settings." This is where you will find the link for removing your MySpace account.
About half-way down the page look in the left-hand column. Under the subheading "Account Settings and Privacy" locate the words "Cancel Account." Click on that link.
MySpace will ask you to confirm with another screen. Simply click on the new "Cancel Account" button that appears in the middle of the screen. For data collection purposes, MySpace will ask your reason for leaving the site, including "Bored, Spam, Privacy, and E-mail." Make your selection.
In the lower right corner of that screen click the blue "Cancel Account" button twice and it would seem your account would disappear. However, more steps are required.
MySpace will send an e-mail to your registered MySpace e-mail account. You must click on the link within that e-mail and once again type in your e-mail address to finally delete your Myspace account. Otherwise, your account will not be canceled. Even after all these steps, MySpace claims it will take up to
48 hours to delete your account.
Rationale for Removing your MySpace Profile
As Facebook, Gather, and other social networking sites grew in popularity, MySpace lost many of its members. Member sites laid dormant, collecting spam comments on many pages. Many pages received pornographic ads or unrelated advertisements. Several teenagers posted their profiles with false ages. Overall, the site's membership deteriorated over time. After years of having MySpace email and comments bombarded by the mysterious Tom, a friend to everyone on MySpace, many people decided to delete MySpace. With their friends frequenting more popular social networking websites, people have been returning to MySpace simply to remove their MySpace photos and to delete their account. Other people have decided to remove their account for security reasons or because their content has become obsolete without continual maintenance. Whatever your reason for removing your MySpace profile, you are not alone.