How to download Jamster free ringtones
If you would like to get some decent and legally licensed ringtones for your phone, then Jamster is one possible option. You must be alerted, however, of all the fees associated with the service that not everyone takes the time to read. Once you understand the payment options, you will be better equipped to make a decision. Read this article to learn how to download Jamster free ringtones.
Types of content
Ringtones Probably one of the most prolific ringtone sites, Jamster specialises in them. They have deals with many record companies and deliver high-quality tones at relatively low costs to you. Games In addition to their ringtone library, Jamster has an ever-expanding library of games. Note that games' compatibility will vary by phone, so always check the minimum requirements before purchasing. Applications The final main type of content located at Jamster is the applications for your phone. Similar to computer programs, these perform certain functions on your phone, such as being a calculator, or many other functions that you may not have even thought was possible to perform on a phone.
The Jamster service While you may believe that the title of this article is a bit misleading, there is actually not free trial of the Jamster service because it is a premium paid service. It is accessible to most phone customers which is available on both contracted plans and prepaid plans. Your Jamster plan is a flat fee of 9.99 USD per month. You must either put it on your phone bill to be paid at the end of the month, or deduct it from your balance on a prepaid card. Refill your account With this, you get 20 credits each time you refill your account by paying their monthly fee. Each ringtone, and each game for your phone is priced in credits. The prices vary by manufacturer, so always be sure to check the credit price. Another important fact to note is the that games for your phone as well as applications for your phone from Jamster, are not available for any customers of both Verizon Wireless and Virgin Mobile. Note that in addition to the purchase of the credits, you will need to pay for any data fees from your phone provider.