How to draw Stewie from Family Guy?
Stewie Griffin is one of the family guy favourites. He is a talking baby and is fairly simple to draw when you know how to draw Family Guy characters . This article explains in simple step-by-step instructions how to draw a perfect picture of Stewie that will impress everyone.
Simple shapes
It is always helpful to have a picture of what you are drawing in front of you when attempting to draw it. To begin drawing Stewie, you need to draw the basic shapes that form his head and body. - To begin with, draw an American football shape to form the basis of his head. - Draw a faint line immediately down the centre of the shape, with two circles an equal distance apart at either side of the line. - Next, draw a cross joining on to Stewie's head to form the basis of his body. Taking the picture that you have of Stewie into account, draw the shape of his feet at the foot of the cross followed by his leg lines.
The eyes
- Next, refer back to the circles that you have already drawn in for Stewie's eyes. The best sort of look for Stewie is one with deceiving eyes, though you may wish to change this, depending on what he is doing in your picture. - This can be followed by two simple lines for his eyebrows. - Draw in a small triangle shape for his nose followed by his mouth. Again, draw his mouth depending on what he looks like in your picture or what you are drawing him doing. - Now draw in Stewie's trousers and hands and then erase the guidelines that you drew.
Arms and shoulders
Next draw out Stewie's arms, his overalls and the sides of his legs. This should be quite easy and shouldn't take up too much time.
Stewie's hair
Stewie's hair is also very easy to draw. They are short, simple lines running from the near top of Stewie's head round to the back. Stewie's sketch should really be coming together now.
Colouring In
Now all you have to do to finish your picture of Stewie is to colour him in. Colour his overalls in red and his undershirt in yellow. Find a very pale fleshy colour for his skin and light blue for his shoes.