How to find a phone number online
If you need to call a friend, lost the number, or sick of paying to call premium rate 0845 number in the UK and you have access to the Internet, then you're in luck. In the United States, phone numbers are usually a matter of public record. While most of these records include mostly landlines, even people's cellular phone numbers are becoming easier to access nowadays.
The basics
The correct spelling of that person's name
You need to make sure that you know how to spell the name of the person in question, before you search for him and also, if possible, that you know his full name.
Details on the person
You need to gather as many additional details as you can, ahead of time about the person you are trying to find.
The more details you know, such as her age, current address and birthday, the easier you will be able to narrow down your searches.
Websites for basic details
There are many websites, which provide basic details, such as a person's name, age, current address, phone number and potential relatives, for free.
Social networking
Sites for U.S and international numbers You need to go to sites, that allow you to find both U.S. and international phone numbers. For example, you can go to to find U.S. or Canadian phone numbers. Moreover, or will locate phone numbers in the United Kingdom. You can search for the person you are trying to find on a search engine, like Google. Social networking sites You could also search for the person you are trying to locate on social networking websites, like Facebook and MySpace. This will not only allow you to find more details on the person in general, but you may be able to find his phone number on such a page, if he has opted to make it viewable to the general public.
Calling businesses
To save yourself paying out when you need to pay a bill or ring your Gas Company, you can refuse to use 0800, 0871 or 0845 numbers websites. Finding business numbers They are only available if you need to find businesses numbers, or when you want free numbers, or at least numbers with lower phone charges. Well, if your call costs because you are paying a bill, then you will not want to add to that with the phone rates.