How to fix a Bad Pool Caller
If you see an error message with the phrase "BAD_POOL_CALLER" on a blue screen when you start your computer, then you have a system failure. Bad Pool Caller error is one of the easier system failure problems to resolve, but it can cause serious damage to your PC if not fixed immediately. In this article, read how to fix a Bad Pool Caller to prevent serious damage to your PC.
Ensure that your PC hardware is functioning correctly
Generally, Bad Pool Caller errors occurs when Windows is unable to read or load one or more files that it needs to run programs. This problem can be caused by a number of reasons including: Malfunctioning hardware Faulty software, and Errors in computer registry Check the hardware When fixing Bad Pool Caller, start by checking your hardware, including hard drive and RAM to ensure that they are functioning correctly. Verify that all hardware are attached properly on your computer and that there are no clicking sounds coming from your hard drive. Check hardware connecting cables and make sure that they are attached securely in their right places. You may detach the hardware and re-attach them firmly just to make sure that everything is okay. Replace a faulty hard drive or other hardware that may be causing the problem where necessary.
Uninstall faulty software
The Bad Pool Caller header can also be caused by a faulty software installed on your PC. If you installed a program just before the dreaded “blue screen of death" appeared and you suspect the program could be the cause of the problem, then you'll need to remove or re-install the program. Uninstall the program and download a fresh copy of the software to clear up any issues with its files. To uninstall, click the "Start" icon and go to " Control Panel" on the start menu. From "Control Panel", click "Add/Remove Programs", and then hit "Uninstall." Click the guilty program from the list of installed programs to uninstall the program. Restart your PC before you run the fresh download of the program again.
Clean your PC registry
If the Bad Pool Caller blue screen still appears after performing the steps listed above, clean your PC registry. Computer registry is a database that Windows uses to store all of its files and program settings necessary for running/loading applications. The registry can get corrupted due to high speeds with which programs are saved and overwritten. Download and run a registry cleaner program such as Registry Booster or Registry Mechanic to clean your computer registry. A good registry cleaner thoroughly scans and repairs virtually all errors in the registry.