How to get a Cingular cell phone
In 2007, AT&T merged Cingular with their main brand. Cingular is now part of the AT&T Mobility business. You can still get Cingular cell phones that have the Cingular logo on them. These Cingular phones will work with AT&T service plans because Cingular Wireless is now part of the AT&T Wireless Service.
Where to find a Cingular phone
Due to the fact that Cingular customers were transitioned into AT&T Wireless customers, many of the Cingular-branded phones were still sold in AT&T stores after the Cingular name was dropped.
Getting free phones via enrollment schemes
People were able to enroll in AT&T wireless plans and get free cell phones from Cingular as part of AT&T cell phone deals. An AT&T cellular phone is the same as a Cingular phone, so a Cingular Wireless customer can upgrade to a AT&T phone without a problem. Logging in to Cingular Wireless takes you to the AT&T wireless home page, which is currently called AT&T Mobility.
Other well-known websites
Amazon and Ebay have Cingular phones for sale through their used marketplaces. Craigslist is also a source for finding used phones. You may still be able to find some Cingular phones at AT&T stores, but supplies have dwindled over the years as AT&T upgrades their phone stock.
Go to AT&T stores
AT&T often sells refurbished phones that have been returned or turned in for upgrades on their website, so you can check from time to time to see if there are any Cingular phones listed.
Cingular phones
Many of the most popular Cingular phones became popular AT&T phones. The Motorola Razr was a dazzling cell phone when it had the Cingular logo. The V3 and the V3xx are for sale as used phones on Ebay and in some smaller online stores.
Differences between logos
If you search Google Shopping for a specific Cingular phone, you will see options for different online stores that still sell Cingular phones and products. Many of them note that they have Cingular (AT&T) phones, because sometime the same phone was produced with a Cingular logo or an AT&T logo.
Popular brands of Cingular phones
LG, Samsung, and Nokia were popular brand of Cingular phones. They were often free or discounted with the purchase of a mobile phone plan. Cingular phones were GSM phones that offered media bundles, so they will work well for calling and texting and handle text data even though they will not have the flash of today's Smartphones.