How to get the best picture prints
Some pictures deserve more than the standard frame: family portraits and pictures of the kids growing up are those that deserve the highest possible treatment. They deserve to be printed on the best paper, or transferred onto canvas and printed at the highest quality. This article will look at a few of the options to show off cheap photos to the highest quality possible.
Photobox offers a wide range of services for you to buy photos or even canvas prints and have the pictures put on items such as t-shirts or mugs. This allows people to send more than just online prints to loved ones on special occasions. If you have a lot of pictures that you wish to show off such as wedding photos or graduation ceremony photos, then you can also order a photo book with these prints displayed in high quality and securely in a book to be kept - a photo book is sometimes more secure than the usual album. Photobox offers discounts on various items and it is worth checking the site regularly to get the latest deals.
BonusPrint has been established as providing high quality prints and good value for money ever since customers had to send their films off in plastic envelopes and wait for their prints to be delivered. BonusPrint offers a wide range of photo printing services as well as a selection of items and as such, is comparable to photobox. BonusPrint has the edge on other services - in September 2011, they were offering the chance to get 50 free prints. BonusPrint also has the ability to print pictures directly from your hard drive as well as getting your personalised greetings cards printed.
If you want to get your photos printed to the highest quality, and give them the painted look, then you can get them printed on canvas. Canvas4Life offers the high quality that should be expected when taking this option. Canvas is an expensive option but if the picture means that much, then it is worth spending the extra money and getting those professional touches that complete the look, and ensure that it lasts a lifetime. If you cannot afford any of the above options, then you can buy high quality digital printers. This might be more expensive in the short term, with expenses such as having to buy inks, papers, etc., but over the course of a few years, it would have paid for itself.