How to host a rave
A rave is effectively an all-night party that involves lots of drinking, lots of dancing and lots of very loud electrical, dance music. Raves can take place at someone's house although many of them take place in fields or woods, for example, if they are unauthorised. This article looks at how you can safely host a rave.
Find a hosting place
Finding a place to host a rave can often be the most difficult part of hosting a rave as you need to make sure that you are not hosting any illegal raves. You will need to approach club managers or pub owners in order to seek permission to host one. You can easily host one at your house although it is not a good idea if you live in a residential area as it is likely that you will cause a lot of disturbance to your neighbours.
You should only invite trusted friends. It is obvious that if you are hosting a rave, you cannot keep an eye on everything that is going on and therefore, untrusted guests may cause disturbance or even damage to your property if they have attended with bad intentions.
Warn the neighbours
If you are hosting a rave at your property, although this is ill-advised, make sure that you at least notify your neighbours so that they can prepare themselves for it. It is incredibly unfair to keep somebody up all night if they have no idea about what may be happening.
Buy refreshments
As the host of the rave, you will be expected to provide a number of refreshments for your guests. Buy plenty of energy drinks as your ravers will need a lot of energy and a lot of rehydration if they are going to remain awake all night.
Make a dance floor
If you are hosting a rave, then you will need a good dance floor. Clear your house of all tables, chairs, couches etc. and make a central dance space. Also, remove anything that you do not wish to get broken as drunk people dancing can often cause a lot of things to get spilt and knocked over.
Create a playlist
You will either need to hire a rave DJ or make a play list yourself. Make sure that the play list contains lots of trance and electronic-base music.