How to install a capacitor?
A capacitor is a device that is used in car stereo systems. It acts as a buffer between the car's power supply and its external amplifiers. Capacitors store the power received from the amplifiers for specified times, such as periods when the volume is turned on high. Capacitors improve audio quality, and reduce problems like dimming headlights. Learn how to install them in this article.
Capacitor installation
Things that you will need
- 1 adjustable wrench
- 1 wire cutter
- 1 wire stripper
- 1 farad capacitor
- 1 Allen wrench
- ground cable
What to do
- Use the wrench in order to loosen the screw that affixes the amplifier's power cable to the battery terminal. Take out the terminal, thus disconnecting the power from the battery.
- Use the wire cutters to sever the power line at about 12 to 18 inches away from the amplifier. Use the wire cutters to strip a 1/2 inch length of wire from either side of the cut wire.
- Use your Allen wrench in order to loosen the ports marked (+) on the capacitor.
- Slip the stripped wires into the capacitor ports: one end of wire to a port. Note that it does not matter which end of wire goes into the ports.
- Cut a length of cable, long enough so as to stretch from the capacitor to the amplifier's grounding bolt. Use the wire cutters to strip a 1/2 inch of insulation from either ends of the length of cable.
- Use the Allen wrench in order to loosen the ports marked (-) on the capacitor. Slip the bare end of the cable into the port, and tighten with the wrench.
- Use the adjustable wrench so as to loosen the grounding bolt, and slip the other end of cable beneath it. Tighten the bolt firmly. Your capacitor is now installed.
How to tell if you need a capacitor
The most notable way of telling whether or not you need a capacitor is your headlights dimming. If this occurs when you put up the bass in your car's stereo, then you more likely need a capacitor. The sudden surge of electricity being drawn from the car's amplifier is what is causing the headlights to dim. The first thing that you need to do is to check the car's electrical system, then you will better know what you need to do.