How to make a free word search
You can get spelling help online for kids nowadays by making your own printable worksheets of word searches. In this article, you will find the links to ten free word search makers including one that you can download and install on your computer. You will also read reviews on three word search makers. This article explains how to make a free word search.
Links to free word search makers
Here are ten links to free and fun word search makers to get you started: - - - - - - - - - -
Just Word Search
Just Word Search is a very simple online word search maker. There are only two text boxes. One is for the puzzle's title and the other is for your list of at least ten words. Then, click on 'create puzzle'. The link is made available instantly. Click on it and you will be able to see your puzzle. You can choose your preferred settings, options and so on. Print it out to play with it.
Stinky bear software
Download the software Of all the links included here, this is the only software programme that you can download and install on your computer. This software is free as long as it is not used commercially. You may however, donate or click on some AdSense links (which are non intrusive). This programme has been updated from 2003 to the present (2011). Before you install You need to have .net framework 2.0 in order for the program to run. It works on most operation systems from Windows 98 up to Windows 7. You may want to look at the screenshots and examples of word searches that are generated with this program before you download it.
Word searches maker
Begin with the categories on the left navigation bar. Find free word puzzles for preschoolers, teenager, adults and so on. You can also find easy, moderate, hard and very hard word searches. The best part is that you can make your own find-the-word puzzle in 2 ways: 1. From a reading assignment 2. From a list of words If you like, you can embed the game that you created into your website or blog by copying the HTML code and pasting it onto your site.