How to make floating candle centrepieces
Floating candles can make a stunning yet simple centrepiece for your next celebration. For weddings, dinner parties or to simply bring a little glamour into your home, they are relatively cheap and easy to make by yourself. Here is a guide to making your own beautiful floating candle centrepiece.
What are floating candle centrepieces?
Floating candles have become a popular way of decorating tables at weddings and dinner parties. They usually feature a glass bowl or vase filled with water on which small, specially designed candles float. For extra impact, flowers or glass beads are often added into the water, creating a magical glow when the candles are lit.
How to make your own floating candle centrepieces
Making your own centrepieces is a great way to save money, particularly if they form part of lavish and costly wedding table arrangements. Bowls and vases Glass bubbles and bowls are readily available from homewares shop for as little as a few pounds. If you are making a one-off centrepiece for your dinner table, why not even use a bowl or vase that you have already? Let your creativity guide you when choosing a suitable vessel for your candles. Tall, thin vases, round, shallow bowls or even a cluster of glasses will all work effectively. Candles Floating candles are growing in popularity and, as such, are now available from many places including homewares shops, department stores and even from new age boutiques. Choose colours to compliment the rest of your table setting. For example, match the candles to your serviettes or even to the chair coverings if you are making centrepieces for weddings. Flowers and beads Lighted candles floating in a simple glass bowl can make a stunning yet simple statement. If you want to add a dash of colour however, then consider adding glass beads (available from craft shops), petals or full flowers to your arrangement. Flowers can be weighted to the bottom by using beads or polished stones, or can allowed to float delicately on the surface.
Some extra ideas
To make your floating candle centrepieces even more spectacular, why not try some of the following ideas? - Place several small floating candle vases on a circular mirror. The reflection of the lighted candles will be truly magical! - If you have an outdoor water feature such as a fountain or bird bath, why not add floating candles to this for a special evening celebration? - Add to your colour scheme by tying ribbons around the base of your vase or bowl. The possibilities truly are endless when it comes to making effective and beautiful floating candle centrepieces. Let your creativity run wild and add a touch of magic to your next celebration.