How to make money online from home
There are many ways of making money online from home, some best suited to become a full time business and others just a way to get quick cash. The best money making ideas often involve putting your talents and skills to use online, instead of from an office. However, you can also get some money now with activities such as filling surveys, which requires much less time and commitment.
Casual income
If you just need some quick ways to make money, but you don't feel like taking on a second job, working from home can easily provide you with a decent amount of casual income.
Filling surveys
There are websites that will pay you a small amount of money to fill a survey for market research. The money paid will depend on how long does the survey take to fill, and its format. For example, surveys that involve recording your hourly interaction with a website will pay much more generously than your thoughts on supermarket groceries.
Writing online
There are many sites such as WIkio Experts or Demand Studios that will pay you to write articles, provided you have a good knowledge of English or some other languages, and a certain ability to write well. While this is within reach of most people, you will make more money if you have specific knowledge in the field of, for example, finance or healthcare. As long as you stick to deadlines, you can work whenever you feel like it, and as much as you want to.
Performing small tasks on the internet
There are several websites that will allow people to post small jobs that take between five to ten minutes to complete, such as answering survey questions, using Twitter or giving professional advice for a very specific question. This can be a good source of short term casual income, specially if you have the specialist skills required to take on the most complex and better paid jobs.
Regular income
If you intend to regularly earn cash from home, you may want to look at some sample ideas for home business such as:
Freelance writing
There is a large demand for well written, engaging copy for both blogs and websites. Along with getting paid to write websites mentioned earlier, you can also get private clients at freelance broker websites such as Elance or Guru, and if you intend to establish yourself as a freelance writer, you should have your own website and portfolio.
Personal assistant
Some online home businesses involve becoming a virtual personal assistant, doing jobs online for one or several clients such as writing, checking appointments and generally anything a PA would do offline.