How to make puppets?
Kids often find summer vacations long and boring when they fall short of ideas to make their days fun-filled and interesting. So, try putting on a puppet show of your own with some hand-made puppets. This article contains some ideas for making different kinds of puppets.
Material required
As such puppets do not involve too much of expensive material, you can make as many of them as you like. Apart from sock puppets, you can use plastic glass, spoons, card-board, and other such materials to try out different varieties and put up your own puppet show.
Large range of materials used
Puppets can be made out of different kinds of materials, depending upon the type of puppet you want to create. This includes finger puppets, cardboard puppets, glove puppets, cone puppets, spoon puppets, sock puppets , paper puppets, bear puppets and many more. The more your imagination flies, the more materials you can use to make different puppets.
In this article, we try out sock puppets as they are easy to handle and fun to imitate. For a sock puppet, you would require a pair of socks, some colours, scissors, glue, and something in the form of small rounds for eyes and nose
(e.g. buttons).
Steps to follow while making the puppet
· The first thing you need for a sock puppet is a pair of old socks. Since we would be doing some cutting and altering with the socks, it’s better to find an old pair rather than wasting a new one. A colourful pair would be a better choice to make the puppet look attractive.
· Now take the small circles/buttons you arranged for eyes and stick them at the bottom of the socks (which is the feet area).
· Now decorate other parts of the socks with the desired paint colour. You can use a fabric paint to make it long lasting. Then make the mouth, teeth, or tongue of the puppet in the form you desire and stick it under the eyes with the help of glue.
· After all the attachments are dry and properly stuck to the sock, wear it in your hand. Keep the eye portions on the top of your hand making it appear like a snake.
· Caterpillars and snakes are the best type of puppets to make out of a sock puppet. You can try different variations, using your imagination and creativity.