How to make your own sign
Signs are useful for all sorts of events and activities, they can be used on a march to get your message across or at a festival to show your support to your favourite band. Signs are also used to help people to find their way or to direct them to a specific location as well as many other uses. Making signs is a fun and creative way of spending your time.
Decide on your design and materials
Deciding on the design of your sign is equally as important as the execution.
Name and logo
Deciding on the appropriate name and wording of the sign is very important as you want to covey the appropriate message to the viewer. If the sign calls for a logo, then this will be the main focus point of the sign, so you want to make sure that it stands out.
Colour scheme
Choosing the colours for your sign is a major aspect of the design process, colours are everything! They can make the sign have a certain feel or vibe about it, so picking colours that compliment your message or event is a good idea. If you are creating your sign for a festival, then a neon sign is a great way to stand out.
Material of the sign
The material of the sign is important as if you want it to be long-lasting, then you will want the sign to be laminated. If the sign is for a festival or big event, you will want the sign to be made from a hard cardboard or strong material so that it isn't easily crushed or broken.
Executing your design and creating the sign
From scratch If you are making your sign from scratch, you will have your design all planned out and now it is time to execute it. Choose the appropriate medium (marker pen, paint, coloured pencils) and think big and bold. If you want your sign to stand out, always draw a plan first so that you don't make a mistake on your final design. Free signs Many websites offer free signs that are ready to download and off you go. Hence, this is perfect if you are in a hurry. Online creation Many sites online offer you the chance to design your own signs following a few easy steps. and give you the option to create a sign with their site.