How to make your own web page
You need to create your own business website. There is nothing wrong with that and it can save you a lot of money. Fortunately, there are now a number of programs which you can download onto your computer, so you don't need to learn about HTML or other scripting languages. Here is a step-by-step guide on how to create your own web page.
Find a program which will work for you
There are different programs available which you can choose from, and some work better than others. Content management systems such as Joomla and WordPress are extremely popular with people, but there can be a steep learning curve. You may want to choose free trials of the software and consider buying one to help you.
Choose your template or theme
Each website needs a template to start off with. To keep it simple, you can start with one which already comes with the program that you are using. The problem is that other businesses will use these templates for their own website and hence, you will need to learn a little of HTML to make yours unique and to prevent confusion.
Keep the design simple
When you are designing your own website, keep it simple and stick to the style of business which you have. If it's about photography and art, then feel free to use brighter colours. However, you may want to stick to more contemporary colours for a more professional looking website.
Think about the content
SEO is needed for your website to get to the top of search engines. Do your research into this and use high quality keywords which are connected to your business.
Test your website
Before you start looking for web hosting sites, you will need to test your website to make sure that it works. All of your links need to connect where you expect them to and your images and text will need to show clearly.
Find a web hosting site
Now that your website is ready, it's time for you to find web page hosts. There are thousands scattered around the Internet and you will need to find one which offers exactly what you need for your business. Do you want an e-commerce site or are you just looking for a page which acts as a business card? Shop around and remember to check for coupons.