How to prevent slow computer performance
Your PC has been doing great the past couple of months until you gradually notice your PC running slow. Even a simple word processor won’t load as fast as it used to. Now you are shaking your head and asking yourself “why is my computer running slow”? The good news is that you can prevent such things from happening. Here are several tips how:
Hard disk
The general rule of thumb is to keep at least 10% of your PC hard disk free. This means that if your PC hard drive capacity is 500GB, you have to leave 50GB free to prevent file fragmentations. Fragmentation is when the PC stores several pieces of a single file into different locations, thus needing more time to read and write the files resulting to slow PC performance. There are several hard drive tools that deal with fragments such as the Disk Defragmenter in Windows. This is a brilliant utility that helps in computer optimisation. What it does basically is to group files together to reduce the time it takes to read and write files to the PC's hard disk.
Extra programs
Take a look at your programs. You might be surprised to find out that there are a couple of inactive programs you barely use. Most of these are extra bundles that came with an additional PC peripheral such as printers. Removing them will help in speeding up your PC's performance significantly. Before doing this however, make sure that you won't be needing them at all or that you have similar programs with the same functions.
Stay protected
Be wary of viruses, spywares and malwares. They don’t only slow down your PC but can also ultimately cripple it. Therefore, the only solution is to restore computer to factory settings – which can turn out to be a major problem if you have important files in your PC that you weren’t able to back-up before the virus spread. There are plenty of trusted anti-virus programs available online for free. Installing them and updating them regularly will not only keep you safe but also help to speed up your PC's performance.
Stay updated
Last but not the least,it is just as important is to keep your PC updated. System updates are crucial to your system's health. These updates often include patches for known-bugs that would definitely boost and help to speed up your PC's performance.