How to restore programs from the recycle bin
We've all accidentally deleted files we needed at some point in our lives, but file recovery is surprisingly easy.
Recycle Bin
The Recycle Bin is a standard feature of the Windows operating systems and serves as a 'holding area' for files before final deletion.
When you delete a file in order to clean up your desk top or free up drive space, it still remains on your computer in the Recycle Bin until you remove it from here.
In many ways, the retention of these files is incredibly helpful, particularly if you inadvertently deleted one you wanted to keep.
Files deleted from removable media and network drives will not be stored in the Recycle Bin
You can tell whether there are files currently in your Recycle Bin dependent on how the icon appears on your desktop - A full waste-paper basket signifies that there are deleted items awaiting final deletion, while an empty waste-paper basket shows that it has been cleared.
Restoring deleted files
Where is the Recycle Bin?
Your Recycle Bin icon should automatically be on your desktop as a standard feature in the XP or 7 operating systems, but if you find you are missing the Recycle Bin, you can easily find it again.
On NTFS (New Technology File Systems) such as Windows XP or 2000, the Recycle Bin can be located at Drive:\RECYCLER with Windows 7.
On Vista, it is found at Drive:\$Recycle.Bin, and for Windows 98 and other older operating systems, it can be found at Drive:\RECYCLED
How do I restore deleted files?
Double click on the Recycle Bin icon and locate the deleted file that you wish to recover.
To restore it, right-click the file icon and then click Restore.
It is possible to restore all of the files at once by clicking 'Restore all items' on the tool bar.
The files will be restored to their original location on your computer.
Final word
In this way, you can recover deleted files from the recycle items.
You can also permanently erase your deleted files in the Recycle Bin by right-clicking the file icon and selecting Delete.
This will remove the file from your hard drive and free up disk space.