How to start text messaging online
Texting online is a very convenient method of text messaging because you can save a lot of money. For this reason, there is no need for people to get a texting service nowadays. Find out how you can start text messaging online in order to save money.
Text messaging online on your computer
Use an instant messaging service If you want to text message from your computer, you can use an instant messaging service. For example, you can text from your AIM chat if you want to, and the sender will receive the message as a text. Then, s/he can reply back, and you will see the reply message on your AIM chat window. This is a very convenient way, but there are a few downsides to this. You must be logged into your AIM all the time, and while you can receive offline messages, you can miss a few method. Free number/ phone service Another alternative is to get an online number from any free number/phone service, and tell people about your new number. This way, people can text you using a number rather than replying to some AIM text that they cannot get a full hold of. This will make your life much easier. Ditch the SMS providers If you are in front of your computer all the time, these two methods might be a great way to text message online. You can ditch the SMS providers and save a lot of money, because they are going to be free.
If you have a smartphone
Use your phone's internet
If you have a smartphone, you are lucky. You can use the phone's internet in order to be always connected to a network, so you will never have to worry about not having Wi Fi, if you have 3G or 4G. For this reason, you can either use a messenger online, or you can download a free application such as textfree on apple or a similar application on the Android.
Send free text messages
These applications will allow you to send free text messages to people, and receive it like with a normal phone. In addition, you will also be able to pick your own number on some of the applications. In this way, people can text you using a number rather than reply to your weird sender number.