How to stream videos online?
Streaming videos online has quickly become something that people use as a way to stay connected to family and friends everywhere. Having a high speed broadband Internet connection has made this possible. All you have to do to learn how to stream video online is to follow a few easy steps.
Download Windows Media Encoder software
To stream video online you will need to download the Windows Media Encoder Software. If you do not already have it on your computer, then you can go online to From there you can then go to Microsoft Expression. From there, you will be able to download the software.
Windows Media Encoder
A Windows Media Encoder screen will pop-up onto your screen. - Go to where it says "Tools" and scroll down to where it says "Options" on the drop-down menu. This will prompt a dialogue window to open up on your screen. - Choose where it says "NTSC" (if your location is Japan or North America). If your location is in another country, then select "PAL" from the menu. - Once you are done, click on the "OK" button.
Broadcast a live event
- Go to the "File" option of the Windows encoder window and select "New" from those options. - Click on where it says "Broadcast a live event" and select "Ok" to finish this step.
Customize preferences
- Click on "Configure" to customize the preferences of the device that you want to use to conduct your video stream. This will allow you to do such things as adjust the resolution and focus so that you can have a better video streaming experience. - When you are done customizing your preferences, click on "Next." On the last step, click on "Finish" to complete the process.
- When you are ready to begin your video streaming online, click on "Record." Your web cam will be able to stream songs or even music. - Once you are done recording you should watch this video online to see what your finished product looks like. You can then decide if you want to keep the video, upload the video to your site or another site or even delete the video. - If you no longer want the video, then you can just click on "Delete" to permanently get rid of it from your computer.