How to translate English to Swedish online
Swedish, the official language of Sweden, is rooted in the Germanic languages and is spoken mainly in Sweden. Located in the Northern European region of Scandinavia, the country has a approximately nine million people in it. Those who wish to know how to translate English to Swedish online will benefit from the suggestions found in this article.
CM translations
Located in Sweden, CM Translation offers English to Swedish translation web and documents translation. The company uses only professional translators and customers can be assured that their work is being translated properly into Swedish. CM Translations specialises in engineering, marketing, logistics, communications, IT and technology and offers free quotes to potential customers. Those interested in this service can contact the company through the contact info found on its website.
Google online translator
Those who wish to have a free, general translation of a text may be interested in using Google Translate. This tool, provided by teh Google Corporation, allows users to make English to Swedish Translations. If web translation is needed, one should simply type in the address of the webpage that needs to be translated. This tool is found under the "more" tab of the Google main page. It should be noted that Google's translation service does not translate colloquialisms, slang or idioms correctly.
Babylon online translation services
Babylon is a free online translation service that allows users to translate English to Swedish. This company provides translation software that users can download free of charge. In addition to the online service and the free download, visitors to Babylon have access to online dictionaries, thesauruses and other tools that helps with translating texts.
Day Translation Inc.
With over 30 years of experience, Day Translation Inc. is an established company that uses only professional translators for its English to Swedish services. This business offers translation for legal, business and other important documents. Quotes can be given to a potential customer within 15 minutes and Day Translation Inc. guarantees the quality of their translations. Work that is not up to the standards of the customer will be fixed free of charge. Reference - Sverige Turism - - Visit Sweden: Sweden Facts - - Sweden by Euro-Cities: History of the Swedish Language - - CM Translations - - Google Translate - - Babylon Online Translation Services - - Day Translation: Professional Swedish to English & English to Swedish Translation Services -