How to write script for black and white graphics
If you own a website with a collection of tools, the idea to obtain a script to convert coloured photos to black and white photos may have crossed your mind. You may also want to be able to perform this operation on your home computer. Whatever the case, this article will discuss where to get a script to obtain black and white graphics.
Programs that you will need
Before you write or obtain a script, whether to give out on your site or for personal use, you will need a program to run it. In this specific tutorial, a free and open source product called GIMP will be used.
Available at, this program is very comparable to PhotoShop. While it lacks the nice and polished GUI (Graphical User Interface) that PhotoShop has, it still has many of the features if you are willing to spend the time to learn where everything is in the program.
That said, go ahead and navigate over to Note that it is available for every major operating system besides mobile devices, so even if you have a Macintosh, this will still be available to you.
The scripts
Once you have downloaded GIMP, it's time to install the script into it. Please note that these scripts sometimes have varying usage licenses. This means that before you share this on a website or upload it, make sure that you have proper permission from the creator. If you cannot find the creator of the script that you are trying to share, it is better to remain on the side of caution, and not upload it.
GIMP has many free-to-use scripts located on You can search for "black and white image script" once you go there. There should be a fair number of open source scripts.
Note that the effectiveness may vary by image and by script. It is therefore wise to try out different scripts for different effects on each image that you want to be able to make a black and white drawing.
Updated program
Some scripts require a certain version of GIMP, so make sure that the program is updated in order to get full compatibility.