Interesting facts about Orange county jail
Almost one out every 150 citizens is currently incarcerated in the Orange country jail. But how do inmates spend their time in jail? What to they eat, what do they wear and how do they spend their free time? In this article, you can find interesting facts about Orange County jail.
What type of clothes do they wear?
Inmates cannot bring their own clothes in.
Their clothing depends on whether they work in jail or not.
Non working inmates wear a yellow – orange jumpsuit, while workers wear jeans and a shirt.
Inmates have to wash their own clothes and underwear in a toilet (they use a particular toilet exclusively for washing) and they usually are not allowed to use a sink for washing their clothes.
After washing their clothes and underwear, they hang them around to let them dry.
Things to do at Orange Country jail
Inmates in Orange County jail may watch TV, whereas only the guards are allowed to turn the devices on and of and to change the channels.
Many inmates also like to work out.
Yet, there are no workout facilities and inmates just indulge in exercises that do not require equipment.
Other ways that inmates pass their time is by playing games, such as cards, dominoes and chess (though gambling is a serious offence) and reading books (only new and directly send from the store).
Finally inmates of Orange County jail are allowed to one hour per day to the yard.
What to eat?
Every inmate is allowed to three meals per day: Breakfast, lunch and dinner). Inmates can also order commissary three times a week (delivered the next day).
Telephone calls and visitors
Inmates of Orange County jail are allowed to use the phone during a specific period of time.
Inmates have to use money and not phone cards.
Yet, there are only six phones for every 100 inmates.
Phone privileges are the first thing taken away if an inmate gets into trouble. Inmates are allowed up to three visits per week on specific days and hours.
Yet, they can only have one visit per day (even if it is more than one visitor).
Final word
Each visit happens between a glass window and with a telephone and lasts from ten to thirty minutes, depending on the guards.