Is embroidery digitising software any substitute for the human touch?
Embroidery is an art. Traditional embroidery is a handicraft that has been practised for thousands of years and samples have been found that are dated before the Egyptians. Embroidery is all about the decorating of fabrics and materials and nowadays, it comes in many forms.
Embroidery digitising software
Embroidery digitising software is a fairly new software that allows the artist to take any image and transform it into an image that appears to be created by embroidery stitch.
There are a lot of sites that offer free or very reasonable digitiser software for this purpose, as the idea is still fairly new and is still currently being developed.
Check these sites out for some examples:
This site offers a free program that allows you to digitise and edit machine embroidery designs.
Take a look at this site for free software downloads of demo versions. Therefore, you can try the programs out before you buy.
Positive points
Below are the positive points of embroidery digitising software:
Fast and quick
This software allows you to achieve similar results to real embroidery in such a short amount of time, allowing you to create things for special occasions or on short notice that you never would be able to, without it.
More freedom
You have more freedom with this software to create designs and edit the designs. If you make a mistake or want to change something in the design, you can easily do that which is not something that you would be able to do by hand.
Don't need skill
You do not need to have skills in embroidery to use this software, so anyone can create a piece of embroidery if they want to.
Negative points
Below are the negative points of embroidery digitising software:
Not the same impact
Digitised embroidery just doesn't have the same impact as handstitched embroidery. Real embroidery can be seen immediately and it will be obvious if ever there is any difference.
The quality of digitised software is nowhere near as high as the quality of handstitched embroidery.
Feel and effect
Handstitched embroidery has a certain aesthetic to it that digitised embroidery does not have, you can feel the textures and appreciate the materials used as well as any beads or jewels added etc.