Online teaching degree: Pros and cons
Teaching degrees are becoming popular because there are so many jobs available, especially with certain secondary school teaching positions. The problem is that doing an education course can be expensive, but you need one to be a teacher. It is possible to get a teaching degree online with distance learning. Here are the pros and cons of going on this route.
The pros
Working while studying
The main benefit of doing the teaching certification online is that you can work while you study. The courses are part-time, so there's no need to worry about how you're going to afford being at university and feeding the family at the same time.
Time for family
You can spend time with your family and do the course in your own time. Having a young family can be difficult, but there is always some time during the day or night to do the studies.
Study at your own pace
You can study at your own pace and there is no need to change your current schedule to fit in the online teaching courses. It also means that you can finish your degree sooner than most universities because you can take on more modules if you have time for them.
Cost-saving option
You don't need to worry about spending a fortune on textbooks because most of what you will need is available online. You will usually be able to access the school's online library and download e-books to help you.
The cons
Distraction at home
You will need to have the motivation to work because it will all be done from home. Your home may not be a suitable place to learn and it can distract people easily.
Support from family
You will need the support from your friends and family. This is not like going to college where you will all have some type of homework or studying to do. You will need to set some time aside to learn on your own and you will need the support from your family to do that.
Self-learning and self-teaching
While there will be professors on the other end of a computer to help you, you will not get the same support that you would from a normal university. You will need to be able to teach yourself a lot of the work.
Lack of offline interaction
All of the support is through email, phone and live chats. It can make it very difficult for people to learn and the lack of offline social interaction can be problematic.