The facts is a search engine which brings together the services of different other specialised search engines. There is a variety of information that you can find by using the including addresses, telephone numbers, pictures, news, shopping centres, products, downloads, books etc. Any search will redirect you to a number of search engines specialised in that particular topic.
/wedata%2F0024509%2F2011-07%2FSearch-button-blue.jpg) Free software offers a free search software download for Windows. It is also compatible with Windows Vista and it is efficient, quick and to the point. It has a user-friendly interface and can be used both with Internet Explorer and Firefox. It is called WebFerret and it is extremely fast, it is packed with options and it’s flexible. You can look up for addresses, phone numbers or you can search for books: You check phone listings or perform international people searches. International people finder
If you use normal search engines to locate a person, the returned results are most of the times unrelated and so, you have to perform multiple searches by using different keywords. When you will be using to find a person, the search will take you only to the specialised people search engines. is connected to all social media search engines as well as to authority websites and other people finders. You can get addresses of people sooner than you would imagine. It is easy, free and fast. People look-up
If you don’t know who you are looking for, but you know details on that person, you can perform an indirect search to find that particular person on An international search is also possible. People find it difficult to use traditional search engines because many return unrelated results that are of no use to them. People look-up is in many cases so meticulous that you will finally give up. is the most efficient manner to find people. Phone look-up or image look-up
Sometimes, you only have the phone number of a person. It may even not be in use any more. has an incredible feature called advanced search that can help you practically to find what you need based on some information. You can even use pictures to search for people. Literally anything that you have related to that person can be looked up for in The flexibility and diversity of this engine is mostly appreciated by people who are eager to find long lost friends or long lost relatives.