The Cadillac Fairview Corporation Ltd.: The facts
The Cadillac Fairview Corporation Ltd is a corporation, based in North America, involved in investing, and owning commercial real estate. The activities of the Cadillac Fairview Corporation are mostly based in Canada and United States. The company owns and develops property, large office buildings, retails spaces, malls and suburban housing. The investments of the Corporation are spread also outside the North American Continent.
Cadillac Fairview Corporation: The history
The company was established in 1974 when the merger of two Canadian estate companies took place in 1968. The first company was the Cadillac Development Corporation Ltd, established in 1953 in Toronto and involved in apartment buildings. The second company was a real estate company established in Quebec in 1958, the Fairview Corporation. It was owned by CEMP Investments which belonged to the Bronfman family. In 2000, the Cadillac Fairview was bought by Ontario Teacher’s Pension Plan which extended its activities to Brazil in 2006.
Cadillac Fairview Corporation: Portfolio
The Cadillac Fairview Corporation owns high quality office buildings as well as shopping centres throughout America and Canada. It carries out international investments in real estate companies or investment funds. It is said that their work was valued at over 19 million dollars in 2011. The corporation owns 87 properties in total and over 49 million square feet of leasable space. Among its properties, there are: 25 Ontario properties, three New Brunswick properties , four properties in Quebec, two properties in Manitoba and eight properties in Alberta, eight properties in British Columbia etc.
Cadillac Fairview: Investments
The Cadillac Fairview Corporation is now interested to invest mainly in Brazil, Mexico, and UK. However, it also takes into consideration any prospects coming from Southern Asia or Central and Eastern Europe. Retail and office properties continue to remain at the centre of its interests. The quality of the property and the regional interest for the property are the two main criteria for any space to be considered as a possible investment by the Cadillac Fairview Corporation. The corporation uses the funds of over 295,000 former or current teachers in Ontario to make its investments.
Cadillac Fairview: Investment partners
The Multiplan Empreedimentos Imobiliarios S/A is the largest shopping centre company in Brazil and its portfolio was valued at $1.89 B in 2009. Land Securities is a real estate investment trust which is considered to be one of the largest in the UK. The trust owns and administers properties such as Piccadilly Lights, Westminster City Hall etc. There are three other partners of the Cadillac Fairview Corporation: The Macerich Company (United States), Hines (new investment strategies in Europe) and Ivanhoe Cambridge (Canada).