The benefits of a pull-up workout
The pull-up (pullup) has been a standard among exercises for some time. Along with the push-up, sit-ups, and other fundamental exercises, the pull-up deserves a place in anyone's workout routine.
Compared to other exercises
Of course, there are plenty of individual benefits for pull-ups. However, much of selecting exercises is looking at the conveniences and advantages of a particular exercise over another.
Perhaps most noticeable is the matter of convenience. After all, all you need is a bar, such as a gym bar, chin bar, or a door bar (securely in the door frame) in order to perform a pull-up.
Do not require equipment
This creates quite a big advantage over other exercises. Many quality exercises - and especially those which work the same muscles - require cables, weights, or other equipment. It is nice to have an exercise which works these muscles and does not require specialised equipment.
Many variations
It is also quite simple yet dynamic. To the first point, there are few complications involving the exercise, such as needing to change weights or be aware of any safety dangers. The only thing here is to not put too much stress on the shoulders. Yet, it is dynamic as pull-ups involve plenty of variations, as we will see.
Benefits of the pull-up
Involve many muscles Involves many muscles There are a wide range of muscles which are targeted with the pull-up. The major area is found in the back muscles, starting with the latissimus dorsi. In general, both the upper and lower back muscles are worked when performing pull-ups. In addition to this area, the biceps, triceps, core (abdominas), and shoulders are targeted. Stimulate growth This can change based on the variations which are involved. Different push up grips, and even different exercises - such as the chin up workout - can change the muscles which are involved, or at least provide an alternative which can stimulate growth. You are free to experiment with the variations You can feel free to experiment with the many variations, such as one-armed pull-ups, weighted pull-ups, and much more. Be careful, though, to ensure that you are ready for more advanced pull-up, and always know your limits as any exercise can be damaging, due to over training or being unable to handle the exercise itself. You might want to consider integrating the pull-up into your exercise program.