The best funny street signs
Whenever you go traveling, there are changes that you will find funny signs dotted about the place. These could be funny restroom signs or street signs. Sometimes it's the words and other times and other times it's just the look of the signs. So, now let's take a look at what could be considered as the top 10 funny street signs around the world.
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Funny Sign Ten: Jioning Traffic Not Signal Controlled No, this is not a typing error. This is really a roadwork sign that can be found in the United Kingdom. Guess there's just not enough of a budget to get the spelling changed. Funny Sign Nine: My Street Somewhere in the UK is a street called "My Street". The children that live there must love it! Funny Sign Eight: Penguins Crossing Somewhere in the United States is a sign to warn people about penguins crossing the road. And you only thought that penguins were found in Antarctica! Guess again! Funny Sign Seven: Unexpected Rd. Ever found a road that you didn't expect to see on a trail? Well, the Americans have found the best name for one of these. You'd never guess the name of the road though! Funny Sign Six: Trucks Entering Bike Trail Do you really think it's a bike trail if there are trucks on the trail too? Somethings says not so much!
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Funny Sign Five: This is not the way to Tahquitz Canyon Well, at least it tells you that you're on the wrong path. Unfortunately, it doesn't tell you the way that you should be going. So much for being able to trust the Sat Nav. Funny Sign Four: Hillbilly Rd Yes, another one of many funny road American signs. Funny Sign Three: Shedd Cemetery Rd. Dead End It's not really the actual sign that's funny just the way the two signs are put together. It was just an unfortunate name to give a dead end and then make a clear note of it. Funny Sign Two: Restroom. No reading during peak hours A move away from funny traffic and road signs and a look at funny bathroom signs. You have to question whether they were telling the employees or the customers about this. Funny Sign One: Ham. Sandwich When it comes up with naming towns, you have to give whoever made these Dover towns some credit. This sign is one that now has to be chained because so many people try to steal it.