The best time of the year to travel to Sweden
Sweden is the country with rich history and unique landscapes. Every year, it hosts thousands of tourists, and suggests activities to all tastes and preferences. Depending on the aim of the trip, Sverige, as it is called by residents, is better to visit during different times of the year.
Summer heat of Scandinavian heart
For those interested in significant historical landmarks and the charms of architecture, the better period to come is from May to September, when the weather is warm and mild. Swedish cities are especially amazing in summer-time, with their streets full of cafes and restaurants in the open air, nice shops and fruit stands. Swedes argue that their strawberries have the best taste in the world, and there is a great deal of truth in their words. In summer, Sweden is also attractive for golf players, camp travellers and families with children. Red wooden cosy summer houses near the lakes and forests are just perfect to stay and enjoy sunny days.
City tours: All year round
Stockholm and Gothenburg are surely the Mecca and Medina for visitors from all over the world, no matter when you come. Furthermore, one should definitely see Uppsala, the old Swedish city, that was a centre of the country during the pagan times, and then became a Christian centre.
Apart from gorgeous Uppsala Gothic cathedral and Uppsala castle, tourists can visit the famous Uppsala University, the oldest in Scandinavia
(founded in the 15th century). They can visit the Museum Gustavianum with the expositions dedicated to the university’s past, which contains displays like mummies and Vikings swords. Most astonishing is the Anatomical Theatre, where medical students could observe, make a summary, while lecturers made dissections to demonstrate the anatomy of the human body.
Search for red-letter days
To make the experience even more enjoyable, try to correlate your trip to Sweden with one of the holidays/festivals. Every year, third Friday of June is highly celebrated. This is a prominent holiday for Swedes where they gather together, dancing and singing around Midsummer maypole, that is meant to get a rich harvest in autumn. In August starts the famous Crayfish festival, or Krabbenparty. Historically, it was allowed to catch the crayfish in Sweden two times per year. Up to now, this rule is in forth. During these days, crayfish is served in many restaurants and sold in supermarkets.
Ride quick as the wind with husky sledges
However, in winter, Sweden is not less visited. Arctic travel is an exciting and rewarding experience. With Discover the world, one can order the flight directly to Lapland, travelling above the Arctic circle with husky sledges or resting in the Ice hotel. Magnificent northern lights promise unforgettable impressions to the visitors who chose to come to Kiruna, Sweden’s most Northern municipality.