The facts about Zen Broadband UK
The Zen ISP provider (internet service provider) is UK-based, and was one of the first companies in the UK to offer home and business services. It grew from a small two-man operation in 1995 to a company worth £14 million as of 2004, and currently has 77,000 customers across the UK.
Broadband products
Zen internet offers its broadband service to both home internet and business premises. The packages available range from a basic service called Zen Lite which costs £18.37 per month and has a usage limit of ten GB a month up to the Zen Pro package which is £35.74 a month with 100 GB usage limit. This process and limits are accurate as of September 2011. To put the usage limit into context, the average movie file ranges between 700MB to one GB which means that if you watch a lot of films, you aren't going to want the Lite package.
Broadband speeds are affected by a number of factors, such as wiring, the distance from your local telephone exchange, which is where your broadband service will originate, and the speed of your computer. These factors will be taken into consideration by any Home internet ISP, and they should advise you of this before any orders are placed. Zen broadband offers speeds of up to 20Meg, and this is the average that most home IP (internet providers) can offer. Unlike some services that restrict the speeds of low-use customers, Zen offers the same speeds across the board. Therefore, if you are on the Lite package, it won't affect your speeds.
Other products
The Zen portal offers a series of other services, including internet hosting and Zen Talk, which is the home telephone service offered to customers of the broadband service. These products are very similar to those offered by other ISPs in the UK, and they should be explored further if Zen is the company that you wish to use. They are one of the few companies that offer broadband for home and business use under one banner, and this should mean that their customer support service Zensupport is well versed in dealing with any problems that their customers may encounter when they use their service.