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The facts about aerial cable

An aerial cable (also known as air cable) is a type of insulated cable that typically contains all conductors that is necessary for a telecommunication line or an electric transmission system. It is suspended between electricity pylons or utility poles. Since aerial or air cables are wholly insulated, there's no risk of being electrocuted when coming into contact with them. There's also no requirement when mounting these cables with insulators on poles and pylons.


Less right of way One advantage of these types of cables is that they need less right of way as compared to overhead lines. They can also be fabricated as specialised cables that are shielded for telecommunication uses. Should the cable fall, it may still continue to function as long as there's no damage to its insulation. Inexpensive Since aerial or air cables are typically installed on poles or pylons, they can be more inexpensive to install than underground cables. No digging or excavating work is needed, which if done in rocky areas, can be quite expensive.


Telecommunication systems and power transmissions Aerial or air cables are for the most part utilised for telecommunication systems or power transmissions that carry voltages under 1000 volts. Air cables or aerial cables that can withstand voltages of up to 10000 volts have already been made for use in transmitters, waterworks, farms and other facilities situated in non-urban locations.To improve reliability, aerial cables are used to replace overhead telecommunication lines, which can also be placed on existing poles. Air cables Telecommunication systems that run along aerial tramways or power lines are frequently built as air cables since they can be quickly placed on the tramway support towers or pylons. When air or aerial cables are used for these types of systems though, they must be fabricated for higher or stronger forces since span lengths are typically longer.
Ground conductors When utilised as power lines, aerial cables can also serve as ground conductors above a pylon. An air cable can be also installed on the conductor as a separate strand. A German company formerly named EVS, but now known as EnBW, developed a special method in the mid 980s that allowed aerial cables to be placed like a garland on an auxiliary rope or a ground conductor. TV aerial cables For digital TV, usage of digital TV aerial cables are recommended to ensure maximum quality of reception. These types of cables can also be used together with coax plugs and signal amplifiers to enhance viewing experience.

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