The five favourite customer service quotes
Excellent customer service is important as it helps in attracting and maintaining customers. It plays a huge role in building goodwill and long-term relationships with clients. Needless to say, there are a lot of quotes used to spark and promote good customer service among employees.
The customer is always right
'The customer is always right' is arguably the most popular customer service quote of all time. Harry Gordon Selfridge, an American entrepreneur who founded the retail department Selfridges in the UK, is credited to be the person who originated this phrase. Apart from 'the customer is always right', Selfridge is also known to create witty business phrases including the Holiday shopping catchphrase, "Only __ shopping days until Christmas".
Other favourite customer service quotes
If you don't take care of your customers, someone else will
The customer service quote, "if you don't take care of your customers, someone else will," highlights the importance of good customer service as a way to retain business among existing clients/customers. Similarly, the quote also highlights the fierceness of competition in today's
fast-paced business environment.
Your most unhappy customers are your greatest sources of learning
Aside from founding one of the world's largest computer and application companies, Bill Gates also coined the popular customer service quote, "your most unhappy customers are your greatest source of learning."
Gates pointed out that entrepreneurs can learn a thing or two from disgruntled and disappointed customers. An unhappy customer is usually a result of bad or ineffective customer service.
Despite this, entrepreneurs should look at the bright side and learn better customer service techniques directly from unhappy customers.
Every great business is built on friendship
According to James Cash Penney, the founder of the retail chain J.C. Penney stores, "every great business is built on friendship." He believed that strong business relationships are often founded on strong personal ties between the buyer and seller.
Hence, J.C. Penney stores adopted a friendly customer-first attitude when transacting with customers.
Customer service is not a department, it's an attitude
The quote "customer service is not a department, it's an attitude" rings true in the field of business. Good customer service is the grass roots of every successful business endeavour. Thus, customer service should be part of every employee's attitude.
Interacting with customers is part of a business firm's job. Selling products to customers is not the final goal of most successful business firms.
Successful business firms work towards building lasting relationships with customers, both current and potential.