The five popular baby posters
Get ready to be amazed with Anne Geddes' babies' prints and the process that goes behind Anne Geddes' photography. Learn about the baby poster prints that are released as Limited Edition Prints, here.
Anne Geddes Limited Edition Prints
Jack holding Triplets
Charlee B, Susanna & Jaclyn
A set of identical triplets were brought into Anne Geddes' studio in 02nd September 1999. They were the second smallest babies that Anne had ever seen.
Jack holding Maneesha
This is one of the personal favourites of Anne Geddes' baby pictures and as a result, has been created as a set of Limited Edition Prints.
Maneesha weighed only 680g when she was born prematurely at 28 weeks' gestation. This image was taken when she weighed a little over 900g and was about to leave the hospital. This was in a neo-natal ward in 9th December 1993. Anne had since taken images of Maneesha at four years old and twelve years old. The image of Maneesha as a pre-mature baby has inspired people with their own premies over the years.
This image of Joshua was taken in 20th October 1990 and reminds Anne of her first tentative steps to being an independent photographer. Anne had since taken images of Joshua as a 16 year old teen.
Poppy's Feet
This is one of the easier to shoot Anne Geddes' photos, but which required much planning and preparation beforehand. This image was taken on 19th October 1999 through a very thin layer of soft latex that took the prop maker weeks to prepare.
Layers of thin latex sheets were mixed and spread onto a flat surface to cure overnight. It was tricky to achieve the perfect sheet, one with no dust or bubbles trapped in. Many were discarded and the process began all over.
Danielle as a Peony Angel
This picture of the baby in a bed of peonies was taken in 11th December 1995. This is the first and only (as of 2011) coloured image to be released as a Limited Edition Print.
Anne had to wait for the right time when the peonies were in their peak so that the local grower could supply her with hundreds of them. It was an amazing sight in the studio, but Danielle was unfazed as she thought that they were quite tasty!
Where to find them
Go to (Limited Edition Modules LEP Gallery) to view the prints and check the prices. Also, take a look at the printing process, print authenticity and delivery and presentation.