The pros and cons of free website creation
Building a site alone has become popular with many business owners and people who simply want to earn a little extra money online. There are so many free programs and pieces of software that it has become possible for anyone to do it without knowing HTML coding. However, what are the pros and cons of opting for free website building?
The pros
- Creating your own website can give you a sense of pride. You have created the platform that you can make money from. - The website is free to set up. You do not need to pay anyone else to set up the website for you, which means that you can reap all of the financial rewards. - There are plenty of free templates available, so you do not need to know about coding or design. You just need a good eye and to understand about colours and fonts. - When you are making your own website, you can see the page layout the whole time. You will know instantly whether something looks good or not rather than needing to wait until you're finished. - You can build the website however you want and add whatever content you want. You don't even need to know any HTML coding. - You will still get your website, no matter how long it takes. If you choose a professional website builder, you run the risk of him closing down before he is finished.
The cons
- Designing your own website can take some time and you may be limited to the free templates that you have to use. - By using already set templates, you won't have a unique business image. You could have the exact same look as hundreds of other websites that are out there. - It can take a lot of years of experience to find out how to build a great looking website. You will also need to know something about CSS and HTML to make your site look unique. - Eventually, you will need to learn about coding, especially PHP and JavaScript, especially if you want to earn money easily and quickly. - You will need to do all of the maintenance work yourself, which can take time out of your business day. You may need to do it in your own personal time.