The types of essential puppy shots
Puppies’ health need to be taken care of by their owners. An essential part of dogs’ health care is the administration of puppy vaccines. This article provides puppy’s owners with information about the types of puppy shots that are essential for the health of their animals. Puppies may get infected with diseases such as canine distemper, rabies, canine adenovirus and parvorvirus without the administration of proper vaccines.
Canine distemper vaccine
According to, one of the most essential puppy shots is canine distemper vaccine. Canine distemper is an extremely contagious disease provoked by a virus. The transmission of this disease occurs through body secretions and air. Canine distemper has negative consequences in the puppy’s brain, respiratory system, intestines and skin. Puppies, specifically under six months, are prone to suffer from canine distemper. This puppy shot is also crucial because this disease culminates in death, in many instances.
Rabies and canine adenovirus vaccines
Rabies vaccine indicates that rabies and canine adenovirus are other essential puppy vaccines. Puppies frequently become infected with rabies though other animals’ bites. Scientists still have not found a cure for rabies, which affects dogs’ brains. As a result, dogs become weak and often die from respiratory complications. Puppies should receive rabies vaccine at 12 weeks of age.
Canine adenovirus vaccines points out that there are two types of canine adenovirus, one and two. Canine adenovirus one triggers hepatitis in puppies. The principal mediums of infection are body fluids like urine and nasal discharges. First, the virus attacks the respiratory system and then, proceeds to infect primary organs such as the liver and kidneys. Canine adenovirus two affects the respiratory system and cause cough. These dog shots are also vital for puppies' health.
Parvorvirus (CPV1 and CPV2)
Other essential puppy vaccines prevent against the two different types of parvovirus, which are CPV1 and CPV2. Puppies should be administered with a vaccine that prevents CPV2 which triggers the serious parvovirus. Symptoms include diarrhea and vomiting and some puppies often die because of dehydration. The primary means of infection are through canine faeces and the consumption of rodents that carry the virus. Puppies should receive the first dose of this vaccine between five to six weeks of age.
Other essential puppy shots
The Puppy Dog Place suggests that puppies get other essential shots that prevent against critical diseases, such as Lyme Disease, Kennel Cough and Giardia.