Things to do at Old Town Scottsdale, Arizona
Old Town Scottsdale is rich in the culture, and tradition of the old West. There are a myriad of things to do in Old Town Scottsdale, Arizona, from shopping at antique shops to walking along the wooden side-walks. This article will provide more information.
The Sugar Bowl ice cream parlour and restaurant
The Sugar Bowl
This sweets station is famous tourist attraction in the Old Town, and has been around since 1958.
It is a must stop for those visiting Scottsdale. This place is perfect for those, who are looking to take a breather from the hot Arizona sun, and eat some
ice cream.
The restaurant has 1950s style seating, and does have some scrumptious American food.
Its reservation party room seats 40 people.
As of 2011, the average price of an entree is just less than $15. (
Old Town gift shops
Types of stores
The best thing to do in Scottsdale's Old Town is shop. From coin and mint stores to wig outlets, this area has it.
The variety of stores and antique shops make this neighbourhood a unique and fascinating shopping destination.
Notable stores
Notable shops include the John C. Hill Antique Indian Art, Bijar Fine Rugs, Brown House Antiques, Iron Factory, Z Shoe Store Etc, Ford and Haig Tobacconists, The Bootmaker, Paper Place, Republic Rare Coins, Binders Discount Art Center, Arcadia Fine Wine, and many more.
You can visit this web-page ( for a complete listing of stores.
Farmer's market
Scottsdale Stadium market
The Farmer's market just changed names in 2011, and has been renovated.
This is a great place to go for cheap, and to purchase some fresh fruits, vegetables and other supplies.
General information
The market features nearby farmers, and other local businessmen.
Organic products are in abundance as well as seasonal spices, seasoning and food.
Local beers and wine are also available for purchase.
You can visit this website ( for more information.
Other things to do
Some other fun stuff
For those, who enjoy partying and night-life, the Old Town is full of bars.
You can check this website ( for more information.
There are many good restaurants to eat at as well. You can try the Tortilla Factory, Medizona and Cowboy Ciao to get a taste of the Southwest.
For those on vacation, you must keep in mind that there are a variety of hotels in Scottsdale as well as resorts.
If you want to stay at a cheap Scottsdale inn, then you must do your research.
You should note that Old Town Scottsdale hotels may be a little more expensive, than those outside the Old Town.