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Top five blog sites

How to set up a blog? When you use an online blog service, this is as easy as following the wizard in a few quick steps. The question is, which service to use? This article will help you to find out on this.


Upload your own template/theme Simply, sign in to your Google account and you can start creating a blog for free. Although, the templates available are quite limited, you are free to upload your own. Do choose one that is compatible with the platform you are on.
Most free blogging sites do not allow this. In other cases, this is allowed only if you upgrade to a premium account. Customise as much as you want Here, there is no upgrading option and yet, your ability to customise the blog to make it your own site is much higher than what is offered elsewhere on the web. For instance, you can point it to your own domain name and include almost any kind of ad, affiliate links and so on. You can also create individual blog pages.

Wordpress You can start to build a blog for free and then, upgrade any time you want the additional features. Of course, your blog URL will be a sub domain address such as, The preferred Wordpress blogging platform is the other version, where you need to download the software and install it on your website. This open source software can be downloaded for free from With this, you will use your own hosting account and domain name. This is the choice blogging platform of Internet marketers and many other users. Plus, there are all kinds of useful plug-ins that you can install into your blog.

Other top blogging sites

Typepad You can make your blog for free and then, upgrade later if so you choose. Relative to other services, this one costs higher, although it doesn't necessarily have more features. Some bloggers do like the ease of its friendly interface. Some of its most popular blogs are Seth's blog and The Daily Dish. Movable Type This one bears some semblance to Typepad in terms of cost and some of its users. Use for free blog hosting. Or, download the software from and use your own hosting and custom domain name. Some of its most popular blogs are The Huffington Post and Boing Boing. LiveJournal This used to be owned by Six Apart (now the owner of Movable Type).
Free and paid options are available.

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