Top five most silly cats on the Internet
Cats are funny little animals and amusing felines that have become an Internet hit phenomenon in recent years. There are a number of websites completely devoted to funny cats, and you can also find some hilarious kitty videos on video media websites. This article gives you the run-down of the top five funniest cats on the Internet, which guarantees to have you in stitches.
Some funny cats
Fat Cat in a Box at I Can Has Cheezburger (
I Can Has Cheezburger is the home of LOL Cats, the leading source of cute, crazy comedy cats on the Internet. From cats in clothes to side-splitting funny images of cats, you're guaranteed to find the most hilarious cats on I Can Has Cheezburger. On the site, you can vote for the funniest cat pics. At number five, it has to be the cheeseburger loving fat cat. One of the top-rated LOL Cats images, this hilarious picture shows a chubby kitty in a box, with the caption
"It's tiem tu go awn a diet when yur box splits..."
Rufo! on I Love My Cat ( (groups i love my cat))
If you like cats, you'll love I Love My Cat, a Flickr album devoted to images of fabulously cute kittens. Number four on our run-down of the Internet's silliest cats is the gorgeous Rufo!, posted by Alejandro Barja. Rufo's massive eyes make the kitty look like a baby bimbo, making it one of the silliest, but without doubt, also one of the cutest cats online.
Invisible Swimming Pool Cat at Silly Cats (
As the name suggests, Silly Cats is one of the best sites for finding silly cat pictures and videos online. Our number three silliest cat comes from the enormous selection of funny cat pics on The Invisible Swimming Pool Cat pic shows a gorgeous little kitten leaping in the air, looking as if it's doing the front crawl. What a silly kitty!
Silliest kitties of all time
Cat watching the toilet flush on YouTube ( At number two is this silly little cat who likes to sit and watch the toilet being flushed. This funny little tabby looks perplexed by the water whooshing in the bowl, and lets out the cutest puzzled little meow. Waldo sleeping on a bookshelf on YouTube ( The prize for our silliest cute kitty goes to Waldo, the six week old kitten who falls asleep on the bottom shelf of a bookcase. This hilarious and adorable YouTube video has risen to cult status. Just listen to it squeaking as it awakes to find the camera zooming in on him.