Uniross rechargeable batteries: The facts
As the human race develops, so does our reliance on technological gadgets and artificially powered tools. The problem is that these tools need a power source and battery-operated devices. Remote controls and cameras can be rendered useless if there are no spares in the vicinity. That problem has been solved by the invention of rechargeable batteries and this article will discuss on this.
What are rechargeable batteries?
Rechargeable batteries are batteries, that can be re-used after their energy has been drained.
They are made up of one or more electrochemical cells, and are able to recharge, due to these cells causing electrochemical reactions, making them electrically reversible.
These chemicals can include lead-acid, nickel cadmium, nickel metal hydride, lithium ion and lithium ion polymer.
Rechargeable batteries are kinder to the environment than non-rechargeable batteries, and also have a lower total cost, due to their cheap recharging facility.
Rechargeable batteries are used a lot in everyday life. They are common in vehicle engines, portal devices, such as hand-held games machines and mobile phones, tools and uninterrupted power supplies.
Uniross rechargeable batteries
Uniross have been specialising in rechargeable battery power since 1968, designing, manufacturing and distributing batteries for devices, such as cameras and toys. The types of batteries Uniross provide, are divided into four categories: Classic, Essential, Ultra and Performance. Uniross Classic rechargeable batteries Uniross Classic rechargeable batteries are ideal for small gadgets and devices, such as cordless telephones and battery-powered children's toys. These are the type of batteries, most commonly purchased in stores, and come in AA and AAA format, as well as C, D and V. Uniross Essential rechargeable batteries The Essential range comes in AA and AAA format, and is recommended for use in devices, such as clocks. Uniross Ultra rechargeable batteries Ultra rechargeable batteries can tackle any device, from digital cameras to remote controls. Ultra batteries come in AA, AAA, C, D and V format. Uniross Performance rechargeable batteries Uniross' Performance batteries are award-winning and carry the highest capacity of charge. They come in AA and AAA format, and were the winners of The Gadget Show's best rechargeable battery award. Chargers Rechargeable batteries are no good, without a way to charge them and Uniross again offer four types of battery chargers; Classic, Essential, Ultra and Performance. These differ in terms of price, speed of charge, manual settings such as timer and intelligence of the charger itself. Summary If you are looking for a way to cut down on waste, and forget about whether you have any spare batteries in the house, it might be worth considering giving rechargeable batteries a try.