What is a divorce decree?
The last step that one has to know on how to get a divorce is how it gets finalised. After that all the steps starting with getting a petition for divorce to finding grounds for divorce, one finally obtains the desired result which is the divorce decree. Find out what a divorce decree is in the following article.
Getting a divorce
Nowadays, almost anything can be done online. Filling a divorce online is as easy and affordable as ordering a kitchen appliance. For instance, at
Divorce-online.co.uk, you can avail their DIY divorce services by just completing online forms and making a payment via HSBC Secure ePayments. You are also guided to the process with free divorce advice, legal advice and more. After that everything is done, you just have to wait for a divorce decree.
Getting a divorce decree
A divorce decree, also known as a final decree, is the divorce court’s formal order defining the terms and conditions that apply in the termination of your marriage. Content The certificate details the court’s instructions on disposition of all matters concerning property division, child support, alimony, visitation and custody. After that the decree is signed by the judge, dated and filed at the courthouse, you will need your own copy to keep in your records. You can get a copy of your divorce decree from your lawyer if you have one, or you can request a copy from the county clerk’s office. Once that a decree has been signed by a judge, it goes into immediate effect and applies to forms of legal divorce. Court instructions A divorce decree contains the basic information about the divorce like names, filling number, grounds for divorce and the type of divorce. Aside from these, divorce certificates state the court’s final ruling on the settlement of property, financial matters as well as all issues pertaining to children. The terms of the decree summarise exactly what the court has ruled as to how much child support should be paid, who gets custody of the children and what the visitation schedule may be. However, divorce decrees do not provide protection from contracts and joint agreements made prior to separation and divorce. For example, debts incurred by delinquent ex-spouses may be passed on to the people who assumed that they were protected by their divorce certificates. Final word The information provided is not meant to give legal advice. To learn more about online divorces, divorce laws and other information pertaining to legal divorce, consult Direct.gov.uk to get the right legal advice and support.