What to look for when buying a petrol remote control car
Petrol remote control cars can fun and are a cool hobby. They are more expensive to buy than battery versions because they are engineered to last. This article will tell you what to look for when purchasing a petrol remote control car.
Budgeting for the best deal
To begin with, check your budget. You should only buy a well-known brand of remote controlled cars like Ansman for instance. There are many car models and you will need to be able to buy spares and parts from time to time whether it is from a hobby shop or online as well as fuel. Consider the running costs as well. When you go to purchase your car, make sure that you get a good deal. Your car should come with rechargeable batteries and a charger, glow plugs and an igniter. Having a starter box is also a good addition. It starts the car instantly so that you are ready to go at any event.
Check it out
When looking at petrol remote controlled cars for sale, you need to check several things. Before starting, check the servos, steering and throttle. Make sure that they are all working and the parts are not worn. Remote controlled cars are well used and get scraped and bashed. Look at the chassis to ascertain that it is not bent or cracked. Check the prop shaft and drive shaft on the remote controlled car to make sure they are not bent or twisted. Look at the suspension on the RC auto for any leaks and make sure that the steering components are all fine. Remote controlled cars have plastic bodies which can crack easily. The cars must have a body to protect their engineered parts. If the body is in a state of wear, see if you can purchase a new one or see if the seller has any spare to add to the deal. Double check the tyres. If you are buying an off-road petrol remote controlled car, ensure that the tyres still have much grip.
Aerials and fuel
Make sure that the aerials on the receiver and handset are in a good order on the radio car and get the engine started. If you want a car that starts easily and has a good range, test how far the car can go. Finally, make sure that you find out what fuel it is using and what the fuel mix is, in case you have to mix your own.