Where can I find out about Alaska halibut fishing?
Alaska halibut fishing is best in Prince William Sound and Cook Inlet near the Kenai Peninsula. The fish move into shallow water during the spring to feed on the many species of bait fish and then gradually move to deeper water during the summer. Online sources of information include State and town official websites, and the websites of Alaska fishing charters and Alaska fishing guides.
Public sorces of intformation
State of Alaska The Alaska Department of Fish and Game website, Adfg.alaska.gov, has information about licenses, bag limits and closed seasons, and other regulations. Cities and towns Just about every city or town has a chamber of commerce with information on Alaska sport fishing. Ninilchik is centrally located on the Kenai Peninsula. Its chamber of commerce website is Ninilchikchamber.com. The Homer Chamber of Commerce also has information, Homeralaska.org. The Seward chamber of commerce, Seward.com, has information on all kinds of activities, including halibut fishing.
Planning your trip
When should you go? You can catch an Alaskan halibut at any time of the year, but only the months of May through September are comfortable for fishing. Charter companies There are plenty of charter boats offering trips for halibut, but a charter boat is only as good as its captain. Captains Andy Mezirow and Nik Ranta, fishing out of Seward, are two of the best. You can connect with them at Crackerjackcharters.com. Another versatile charter company is Ninilchik Charters, offering trips on its nine boats, sailing out of five ports. They are at Ninilchik.com. Best time for a halibut trip June is normally the absolute best halibut month, as the fish begin to move to deeper water. However, the excellent fishing continues right through August. July and August will be crowded, as it is peak tourist season. Mixed charters for halibut and salmon You can combine your halibut fishing with salmon fishing in Alaska. The best time to try to catch both a halibut and a salmon on the same trip is May, when the halibut are in shallow water and the salmon are arriving for their journey up one of the rivers. Where to stay on your Alaska fishing trips All of the charter boat companies either have their own lodging facilities or can recommend a convenient one.