Where to buy BMW leather seats
BMWs have been a popular choice of luxury car since the1980s. Unfortunately, many of them have left the factory with cloth trim, but the modern day luxury car owners expect leather seats. If you feel deprived by your car's lack of it and wish to upgrade, what are your purchase options and where to shop?
Buying new seats
Buying a new set of BMW leather seats is certainly a conceivable choice but it is going to cost a great deal of money. If you have an almost new car, then this option may appeal to you as it will maintain your vehicle's originality and appearance. However, for most buyers, the expense involved will be a hurdle with which they cannot reconcile themselves. Nevertheless, other avenues can be explored.
Second-hand choices
If you're on a tighter budget, then buying used car seats is probably your best option. There are a number of specialist BMW breakers who are bound to have a set for your car. Lower price is the benefit of buying from these traders, but there are other plus points as well. To begin with, most upgraded factory seats are electrical. If your current interior isn't equipped in this manner, then you'll need the appropriate electric linking looms, relays and switches to be able to adjust the seating position. A breaker will, if asked, supply these with the seats. You may also be able to purchase the rest of the interior (door panels, parcel shelf, A,B and C post trims, and the centre console) so that everything matches perfectly. Good breakers at which to begin your search are Fabdirect.com and K.P. BMW Spares. Specialist BMW monthly magazines are another good source for used parts. The classifieds in BMW Car, Performance BMW and Total BMW always yield a few interiors, but be careful to ensure that they include the extra parts mentioned above. All these publications have an online presence, so while you're searching on Ebay for your new seats, check out their adverts as well.
Bring in the professionals
There is an alternative to buying complete seats and spending your weekend stripping your car to fit them. Consider approaching your local car trimming and upholstery specialist to obtain a quote for re-upholstering your car in leather. The work involves the upholsterer cutting and stitching a new set of seat covers for your original frames (although the foams may also need to be replaced). This is a more expensive option but comes with the benefits of having an excellent workmanship and a product that, if properly looked after, will outlast your car. In addition, you don't need to worry about seat customisation as you can choose a unique, individual colour scheme.