Where to buy a secure flash drive
Have you ever bought a flash drive and wondered how secure your data is? The answer to your question is most likely extremely insecure. If your drive is not password-protected, all of your important data is at risk. This article will discuss two different types of secure flash drives and tell you where you can buy them.
Physically secured
One possible type of flash drive security is physical security. This means that it has physical features to prevent data access. Sometimes, a flash drive with this type of security will contain a padlock to be able to open the case. Other times, a flash drive will be programmed to self-destruct if someone guesses the password incorrectly five times. While these are both sometimes decent security measures, the padlock can be broken by a skilled thief, and the flash drive's self-destruct mechanism can be abused by a prankster. Rather than buying your physical secured drive, you should buy an electronically secured drive (normal flash drive with on-the-fly encryption). This will be discussed in more details below.
Electronically secured
To get a flash drive electronically secured, all that you must do is to order a flash drive online and then use an encryption program. Even websites like eBay would work for this. Always make sure that the seller lives in your country. After you order your flash drive, download a program called TrueCrypt, located on Sourceforge.net. This is a free and open source encryption and decryption program that works on portable devices. Install it on your computer. Once you have done this, check out the extensive tutorials on how to use the program at Truecrypt.org. You must always enter a password to decrypt your drive, so make sure that you remember it! Here are some tips for having a strong password to protect your files: - Do not include dictionary words in it - Always use ten or more characters - Always have uppercase, lowercase, and symbols - Don't include any personal information While these measures may seem ridiculous, electronic device securing is both cheap and almost guarantees that a flash drive thief will not have access to your data. Don't forget your password.