Where to buy motorcycle mirrors
Motorcycle mirrors are simple but they are a legally required piece of equipment for your bike. Motorbike mirrors are sold by any motorcycle parts and accessories store but you are advised to approach a store with your motorcycle make and model number noted down so that you buy the correct mirrors bar. Bikers can buy mirrors either in person or online. This article provides a guide to buying motorcycle mirrors.
In person
Motorcycle parts shops Motorcycle parts and accessories shops are few and far between in the UK with many shops having suffered closure as a result of a harsh economic climate. As such, visiting a shop and being able to buy the correct motorcycle mirrors for your make and model of bike is quite difficult. Search a telephone directory and the internet in order to find motorcycle supplies stores in your local area. 0ften, car parts shops will stock a limited range of motorcycle products. Calling ahead You are also advised to telephone a parts store rather than going out of your way to try and find the right motorcycle mirrors. Another consequence of the economic downturn is the fact that stores have downsized significantly and as a result, they do not stock nearly as many parts such as motorcycle mirrors as previously. Call at the shop in advance to ask if they have mirrors for your bike's make and model rather than wasting time going to a store without the certainty that they will provide you with the correct mirrors.
Wide range of stores
The internet is a rich source of motorcycle parts and accessories. Perform a general internet search for motorcycle spares or perform a stricter search for mirrors that fit your specific motorcycle to find the right products.
Search through a wide range of stores to see if any of these shops are hosting special deals, sales, first time buyer promotions or anything else that can help you make a saving on your purchase.
When ordering online, remember that you are likely to have to pay an additional fee for postage and packaging so that your mirrors can be delivered to your door.
If you exhaust all other methods, visit person-to-person sales engines such as Ebay.co.uk or Gumtree.co.uk to try and find suitable mirrors for your motorcycle.
A final word
Always pay attention to a sales person's reputation, online points scoring and customer reviews to make sure that they are a trustworthy merchant before making a purchase.