Where to find an online English to Greek dictionary
Greece, a Southern European country, has a long history and rich culture. The country's approximately 11 million people speak Greek as do minority populations in neighbouring countries. Greek is studied by religious scholars as a way to understand the original texts of the Christian Bible. Those who would like to know where to find an online English to Greek dictionary will benefit from the information found in this article.
Kypros is an online English to Greek and Greek to English dictionary that allows users to input the word that they desire to be translated. Users of this service can use either Roman letters or Greek letters while on the site. In order to help those who may not have the tools to type Greek on their keyboards, the company gives users a variety of options for Greek letter computer installation. Users of this service have access to a Greek spell checker as well as sites that can help them to learn Greek online.
Greek Recipe
For those who like cooking authentic Greek food but are stumped by some of the terms will find the Greek Recipe cooking dictionary useful. This dictionary translates words used in Greek cooking so that English speakers can better understand how to create the dishes. In addition to the dictionary, this site provides a guide to Greek wines, cookbooks and food history.
Translatum is an online dictionary that allows users to quickly translate English to Greek and Greek to English. Users simply input the word of phrase that they desire and wait for the translation to appear. Translatum offers translations for Ancient Greek, Modern Greek and Medical Greek.
Strong's Concordance with Hebrew and Greek concordance
Strong's Concordance provides a lexicon that can be used by scholars of the Christian Bible. The words that are translated in this lexicon are for the King James Version Bible. Users of this concordance can simply input the word that they would like to be translated to Greek and wait for the translation to appear. This lexicon is extensive and one can use it for academic work.
Ancient Greece - Ancientgreece.com
Greeka: Greece History: A Brief Description of the History of Greece and the Greek Islands - Greeka.com
Primary History: Ancient Greece - Bbc.co.uk
Greek Language: History of the Greek Language - Greek-language.com
Kwintessential:Greece - Language, Culture and Doing Business
Etiquette - Kwintessential.co.uk
Greenwich: Greece Facts - Greenwichmeantime.com
Kypros.net - Kypros.org
Greek Recipe - Greek-recipe.com
Translatum - Translatum.gr
Strong's Concordance with Hebrew and Greek concordance - Eliyah.com