Where to find an online Filipino to English dictionary
If you are in an English class in the Philippines or if you are taking a Filipino class from an English-speaking country, chances are that it has been recommended to you to get a dictionary. Fortunately, if you are strapped on cash, there are many free online editions. This article will discuss the two main types of dictionaries online.
Online dictionaries
Online dictionaries can be more accurate than translators. This is because you may be more readily able to identify the correct word in context. This is also better for more fluent speakers. Dictionaries are usually more precise, detailed and reliable than the online translators. Unlike the Filipino translators, however, the Filipino language dictionary cannot normally directly translate sentences verbatim nor do they normally contain the necessary grammar rules to speak the language correctly. While there are many dictionaries publicly available online, you should always verify that they are good sources. Below, find a list of a few Filipino to English dictionaries that are known and well-established legitimate sources. Tagalog-Dictionary.com Tagalog Dictionary is one of the first free dictionaries that is indexed on many search engines. Having been established for many years, this is one of the most complete Filipino to English databases and can also translate many Filipino words into other various languages. If you cannot find the word here, it is recommended that you try the site below.
Online translators
Online translators can be great if you have a huge list of words to look up. While perhaps not having the precision of a dictionary, this is the speediest solution. Note that if you are unsure about a word, it's best to use an actual dictionary to look it up.
Google Translator
One such excellent translator to discover the meaning of Filipino words online is Google Translator. Google Translator is a freely available language translator online. It also has a unique feature of instant preview, which allows the user to instantly see the translation of a word without having to refresh the web page.
This can save tons of time in the long-run, especially if you have a lot of words to look up. This translator also gives alternate English words that have similar meanings to the primary translation.