Where to find an online Greek to English translator
Located in Southern Europe, Greece is 13,676 kilometres in size and has approximately 11 million people. Currently, the language is spoken primarily in Greece and is often learned by those studying the Christian Bible. Those who are interested in knowing where to find an online Greek to English translator will benefit from the tips found in this article.
Google Online Translator
Google Online Translator provides users a chance to get free translation services. This online interpreter is best for those who are looking for a general understanding of the text that they are translating. Found under the "more" tab of the Google main page, users of this translation tool should be aware that idioms, colloquialisms and slang will not be interpreted correctly. Google Online Translator is easy to use and simply requires that the text be pasted or typed into a box.
Yahoo! Babelfish
Yahoo! offers a free Greek to English translation service on its site. Called Babelfish, the Yahoo! translation service allows users to paste or type the text that they want translated into a box. In addition to this, users can also input a URL and translate an entire website. Tips on how to get the best translation possible are also given on the site.
Tomedes Smart Human Translation
Users of this service pay for the expertise of professional translators who are able to translate both ancient and current Greek. This company can help customers to understand business documents, translate legal paperwork and read ancient Greek documents. Tomedes provides customers with a free estimation of the costs of translation upfront. Those looking for academic and technical translations can also use their services.
Win Translation
Win Translation understands the importance of having quality translators working on customer requests and only hires translators who are fluent in both English and Greek. This company targets businesses and has the tools to help a business owner to translate his website for the Greek market. Customers have the option of having a free quote before they commit to working with Win Translation. In addition to written language services, customers can choose to have audio and video translated. References: Ancient Greece - Ancientgreece.com Greeka: Greece History: A Brief Description of the History of Greece and the Greek Islands - Greeka.com Primary History: Ancient Greece - Bbc.co.uk Greek Language: History of the Greek Language - Greek-language.com Kwintessential:Greece - Language, Culture and Doing Business Etiquette - Kwintessential.co.uk Greenwich: Greece Facts - Greenwichmeantime.com Google Online Translator - Google.com Yahoo! Babelfish Translation - Uk.babelfish.yahoo.com Tomedes-Smart Human Translations: Greek Language Translation For Every Ancient or Current Dialect - Tomedes.com Win Translation: Greek Translation Services - Wintranslation.com