Where to find dental websites
The best way in which to locate dental websites is to search the site for the major dental association in the country. In the UK, this is the British Dental Association while in the U.S, it's the American Dental Association. Both provide links to a variety of dental sites.
Difficulties in conducting a general search for dental websites
In this day and age, just about everything people want to know is at their fingertips. A quick search on your computer results in information on practically anything. This instant need to know has created a new market sector: Website design. While only ten years ago, few businesses had their own websites and these were fairly rudimentary, today, if you don’t have a website that grabs a customer's attention, you may find yourself wanting for business. Therefore, increasing numbers of companies have started providing the expertise for designing the most advanced business related websites. Dental marketing has changed as well since firms focus on not only helping to design the perfect website for a practice, but also on marketing these websites by providing components to ensure that when a search will result in your site, it is among the first to come up. Therefore, a simple search attempting to find a dental website is likely to result in dozens of dental website design companies.
How to locate dental websites
It’s no wonder that people become frustrated when searching for dental websites as what at first appears to be what they’re looking for, upon further inspection are actually design firms. The best way to find websites that represent reliable practices and that provide accurate information is to go to the site for the major dental association in the country. From there, you can locate links for dental websites and other online dental resources. In the UK, the association to consider is the British Dental Association (BDA) while for the U.S. it’s the American Dental Association (ADA). Each has numerous links to specific dental websites. Both sites also provide a wealth of information for dentists, dental students and for other professionals in the field of dentistry, as well as for consumers by providing advice for all ages. In addition, on both sites, you can search for dentists and dental offices by geography, surname, insurance accepted and speciality area and the responses include links to each practice's website (unless there is none, an unlikely occurrence today). At the time of this writing (August 2011), the BDA has over 6000 dentists and dental practices registered with their organisation while the ADA has 157,000 members. Both also provide information on multiple areas of interest and a number of videos on current issues related to dentistry as well as to international advocacy efforts.