Where to find free downloadable audio books
When you want to listen to free audio books, you have different options. You can get free classics from online book sites. You can download mp3 audio books for free from public libraries. If you have a smart phone or a tablet, you can use the OverDrive app to listen to free audio books from library collections. You can listen to free books through podcasts.
Audio books for computers and mobile devices
If you have text to speech software, computer books can become a talking books because your computer software will read the book to you. You can listen to books on apps, such as the Audible app. Even though, most Audible books are available for purchase, they have promotions on free books and they have free excerpts. For example, Audible.co.uk will offer one story for free from a collection. The Guardian newspaper also offers free audio books downloads periodically through their partnership with Audible Audio books.
You can get apps for talking books on mp3, and you can listen to podcasts through apps like iTunes. Mp3 audio books are usually the same as the audio book on CD or talking books on CD, but they can have differing sound qualities because CDs can be from analog recordings and mp3s are digital recordings.
If you are interested in recording audio from a book of poetry, Slate.com has a weekly podcast for audio poetry. The New Yorker magazine podcast features a fiction story and they are read aloud by other authors who admire the work. These audio podcasts and podcast books are free.
OverDrive is an app and a computer program which allows you to check out mp3 a books to download from the public library. The books expire after a few weeks, just as audio books on CD need to be returned.
Public domain audio
You can download free book recordings made by humans or computers from online book collections such as Project Gutenberg. Gutenberg.org has classics such as The Adventures of Tom Sawyer and Pride and Prejudice available as mp3 files and in other formats for special computer operating systems and older devices. There is no charge to use Gutenberg files, but you can donate money to their work and help to support them by editing pages for the e-book collections.